A blog. A boy. A life. It just keeps going on.

Nothing much, just a person and a blog. I talk about my life games, events, everyday things. Also I write stories and other things like facts and scienece stuff and....wait... why are you still here.... GO READ MY POSTS hahah XD

Happy Martin Luther King Day!

Hey guys kwaku here!

  Today is a really specail day!  50 years ago Marthin Luther King Jr was struck down by an assasin's bullet. Although killed at a very young age of 39, King still was able to impact the lives of many people.  Colored or not colored.  King was a very special person not only in American history, but the world. 

He would have been 85 years old today

“As I reflect on the legacy of my father, the greatest aspect is his legacy of peace. He reminded us that ‘the choice today is no longer between violence and nonviolence; it is between nonviolence or nonexistence,’”