A blog. A boy. A life. It just keeps going on.

Nothing much, just a person and a blog. I talk about my life games, events, everyday things. Also I write stories and other things like facts and scienece stuff and....wait... why are you still here.... GO READ MY POSTS hahah XD

Why all religions are the same and why you should feel comfortable in your beliefs.




Why all religions are the same and why you should feel comfortable in your beliefs. 





  Hey guys, Kwaku here.

Well today I'm going to be talking about religion.  But fiirst, what is religion?

  1. The belief in and worship of a superhuman controlling power, esp. a personal God or gods.
  2. Details of belief as taught or discussed.
faith - belief - creed - denomination


Why all religions are the same and why you should feel comfortable in your beliefs. 2

Well, here is my opinion.  If religion is the process use to show how much we appreciate a god, a higher being, ect, then wouldn't that mean we will all go to heaven?  Or peace in this life, or the next?  For it is us, using different ways to appreciate a supernatural power.  And it is to that, I leave you with.  If you are an Atheist or an Agnostic, Atheism does count under the definition of religion to me. Agnostics do count for me.   For you are in between, saying there is no way to say if god is real nor is there evidence....but, nor is there evidence saying god is not real.  But there is no problem being an Athiest (at least, that's how I view it).   Well, that's pretty much it!  Bye guys!